October 17, 2014

New York Comic Con 2014 Bookish Things

Hey Guys! So, I recently went to New York Comic Con and I had such a great time! If you've never been to NYCC I highly suggest it. You don't need to love comics in order to have fun there because there's so many other things to enjoy; tv show & movie panels, actor photo ops & signings, video games, book panels, book freebies, author autographs, looking at all the people who dress up in cosplay, etc. There's something for everyone to enjoy!

Here are all of the bookish things I saw at NYCC!

The Hobbit

A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones

The Wizard of Oz

Harry Potter

James Dashner Books

Author Autographs

Jennifer Donnelly was part of a panel and then had a signing afterwards. I didn't go to the panel, but I made it to the signing!

This signing was the highlight of my entire Friday at Comic Con. Alex London was having a signing at the Penguin booth so I brought my hardcover copy of Guardian from the Proxy series with me for him to sign. What I didn't know is that they were handing out free tickets for the signing and if you didn't have a ticket you couldn't get an autograph. I went early to the booth and that's when I found out about the tickets which they had already given out earlier that day. I was staring at the booth and I felt so sad, and it must have shown on my face because someone walks up to me and says "You look distraught." I looked over and it was Alex London! I told him that I was sad cause I didn't have a ticket to his signing and he was like "Oh no!" and he looked sad to hear that. Then I told him that I had Guardian with me so that he could sign, rather than the free paperbacks of Proxy they were giving out, and he told me to take it out, that  he'd sign it for me anyway! While he was signing it I told him that I absolutely love the series and that it's made its way up to my top 3 favorite series (which it has) and he looked so happy to hear that and told me that I had just made his day. Then he said goodbye because he had to go hide behind the penguin booth to wait for the signing to begin. I didn't expect any of that to happen, he was so sweet and it made my entire day! Thank you very much Alex London for being so wonderful!

So that wraps up my bookish Comic Con pictures! Hopefully next year I'll be able to get 3 day tickets instead of just Friday, they sold out way too quick this year. Did any of you go to NYCC too? Do you plan to go next year? Let me know in the comments!

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